Nix and Kix

I wanted to practise my new lighting set up so I bought a can of Nix and Kix from Sainsbury’s. As they say, practice makes perfect.

Product Photography

Project Details

I set myself the challenge of taking product images for Nix and Kix, a popular drink brand. I wanted to test my new lighting setup for future clients.

ClientTest Shoot
CategoryDrink & Product Photography
Behind the Business

The Insight

Nix and Kix is a low calorie, sugar-free, vegan soft drink with a peppery kick. They’re proud of being different, focussed primarily on the adult soft drink market. Nix and Kix are on a mission to remove the boredom around soft drinks, injecting personality and flavour.

My Thought Process

The Idea

Knowing the company’s background, I wanted to create a series of three variants of identical product images. I picked their watermelon and hibiscus flavour of drink (which tastes great, by the way). I wanted my imagery to pull from aspects of the flavour while hitting home that the drink comes with a kick.


The Impact

The colourful and vibrant images help to communicate what the brand is all about – unique flavours with a kick. Professional product photography that matches a brand’s vision helps to connect them with their desired audience. Colour theory plays a huge role in how a brand is perceived and it can be make or break trying to translate that into images.

Some More Images

Here is the set of images I produced. Do you have a business that needs professional product photography? Get in touch to grow your visual identity.

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